
 Welcome to the official blog for Two Ravens Genealogical Services! Let me introduce myself: 

I am Shannon Morgan McCabe, a professional genealogist located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and I have the best job in the world! I get to research family trees for a living and spend my days helping people understand where they came from. Knowing where we come from helps us plan out our own futures, and in further posts I will give you concrete examples of how this has worked out in my own tree.

The question I get asked a lot is "Two Ravens? How does that connect to genealogy?" It's a good question to be honest! Our mascots are in fact two mythological ravens, companions of the Norse god Odin, named Huginn and Muninn. Their job was to fly around the world and return to deliver news and information to the gods. In fact, the name Huginn means "thought" and Muninn means "memory," which is perfect for a genealogist. Genealogy requires liberal doses of both thought and memory, and where they meet is where family research is most productive and useful. 

I'd like to start the blog off with tomorrows post, something I call "52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks," a series that explores beyond the dry facts, and helps to flesh out ancestors and fill out their stories to make them real people and not just a series of paper dolls used to fill our trees. I will use my own tree and the trees of clients who have given me explicit written permission to feature their ancestors on my blog.

I also plan to do a series on my favorite genealogical books, books that are available to help you with your own research, and why I think they're important resources for family historians. I'm also open to suggestions for posts!

I welcome questions at any time on this blog, but comments that are racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and generally rude will be deleted. 


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