52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks: Lucena Seriza (Johnson) Finch

Welcome back to the 52 in 52 series! This week I decided to look more closely at an ancestor that appeared in last week's post on the Thomas and Roxcellana (Smith) Johnson family, their second oldest daughter, Lucena Serezia. Lucena intrigued me deeply because of her apparent odd move from the family home in Vermont to New Jersey and then further to Mobile, Alabama. What prompted her to deviate from the family westward migration to Wisconsin and why did she go to Mobile? Where was she during the Civil War, and where did she eventually go? Furthermore, I had heard a rumor that her son, Edwin W. Finch, had become a renowned Shakespearean actor of the late 19th century; was it true? Lucena Serizia Johnson was born 3 Feb 1811, the second daughter of Thomas Johnson and his wife Roxcellana (Smith) Johnson, in Vernon, Windham County, Vermont. On her birth record, it indicates that her mother may have been living somewhere else in Vermont at the time of h...